Thursday, May 9, 2013


Calling all Beauty consultants in the Future Morehouse Unit! 

We are hot after this HUGE goal that will change the face of EVERYONES business and bless your life even more! Can you get excited about making more money! Earning more prizes! AND being on a WINNING team!

YOU GUYS DID $7,000 in Wholesale ordering last month! That is doubled from the month before!! SO We need to double it again! we need only 11,000 this month (currently have 300 in)
What does this mean to you? When you sell product you will need to reorder, we sell products at PARTIES! You keep 40% right! So make your goal TODAY on how much money you would like to earn in the next 2 weeks! (Dream Big) Then book the parties that will support those sales, remember some will reschedule so book 5 to hold 3 :)

ALSO -- when you ask your family, friends, and customers to listen to our business plan you will get team members. When they start with inventory, you will get a pink check in the mail from MK! MORE $ in your pocket, and another life blessed because of you!!

SO With this goal to finish by May 25th we have 2 weeks from this Saturday! If you will get your parties on your books by Saturday, you will set the pace for your success for these next two weeks!

Everyone who txt/fb me on Saturday to tell me they booked:
2 parties will receive 2 amber/gold colored stretch bracelets.
4 parties will receive a cheetah bangle bracelet! 
6 parties will receive both stretch bracelets &cheetah bangle!!